Thursday, September 22, 2011


To explore and understand the exciting material presented in the Balance for a Better Life oil paintings, we need to be aware that several basic themes are contained in the paintings.
These basic—and very important—themes include the natural progression of human concepts, ideas and thoughts, and, the representation of balance in the form of a scale with three golden trays.
In this, the first painting of the series, we see a nail, a steering wheel, and a key in the first tray. Each of these objects represents a direct, simple, “single component” thought or idea. Many of us, especially children, would see them as simple objects and nothing more. However, as we mature as individuals, societies and nations, simple thoughts will evolve naturally into progressively broader concepts or ideas.
In the second tray in the painting we have a hammer, an automobile and a lock. These items are of course related to the simple objects in the first tray. In the third tray, we see a set of four tires, a door, a wood post, and a piece of plywood painted white, perhaps to be used for a For Sale sign.
What we are representing here is the normal maturation and continuation of our thought processes, wherein objects and ideas evolve into end uses or “applications” that broaden and enrich our lives. The items on these trays represent physical evolution to meet needs or solve problems.
The hammer, automobile and lock are “applications.” We use the lock and key for protection, and the steering wheel, automobile and tires in modem transportation. We might use the nail and hammer to hang pictures or notes, to enhance communication.
Inevitably, we start combining ideas, concepts and applications. For example, the key and lock can be used with the car to protect our investment.
A scale with three golden trays is another basic theme in the Balance for a Better Life paintings. We will strive to balance that scale in every painting, and will come to understand that full and equal importance must be accorded to all three trays in every painting.
Besides the objects on the trays, our first painting also shows Earth being supported and surrounded by a variety of individuals with different skin color and clothing, representing the different religions, beliefs and cultures that comprise our tiny planet Earth.
There is also a measuring stick or ruler that symbolizes the necessity for us to assess our progress or lack of progress as individuals, societies and nations.
How far we grow, how high we can climb physically, mentally and spiritually in our thoughts, words, and actions will determine whether we travel paths of progress or of destruction. Many societies throughout the ages have chosen destruction.
Those two white doves at the top of the painting? Please remember that they symbolize freedom and agape, the Greek word for “love.”
No matter how close you may be to holiness, perfection, and balance, if you do not love yourself and others, or if you do not respect and cherish freedom for yourself and for others, then you will need to sit down and wait for your own personal physical, mental, and spiritual evolution.
We all need to become aware of the real nature of life, with its responsibilities and infinite possibilities.
Yes, life presents responsibilities. The most important is to make every effort to achieve social, academic, economic and spiritual balance as we progress and mature. We need to balance what is represented in the three trays in our paintings, to balance our lives.
Balance for a Better Life, based on freedom and love. It is THE way.
Please continue your journey now, into the next 32 oil paintings; we believe they will change the way you look at life, and the way you live your own life!

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